
🎥 fairBluescreenToLogin_short_video.mp4 https://media-large.fairwissenschaft.co.uk/videos/fairBluescreenToLogin_short_video.mp4

Title: Bluescreen To Login or fairBluescreenToLogin: A computer basic tutorial for regaining access to Windows OS computer using GUI method or click, type and no code method

Author: Shradha Mukherjee

Location: Planet Earth

Nicknames: Shredder, a supervillain for villains and Goldy, a superhero for heroes.

Copyright © 2023 onwards fairwissenschaft and Shradha Mukherjee. All rights reserved.


This tutorial provides a user-friendly guide for resolving the Blue Screen of Death (BSOD) issue on Windows computers using GUI methods, without the need for coding skills. It highlights Bill Gates’s impact on making computing accessible through GUI and offers step-by-step instructions to boot from a USB containing Windows OS software. The process involves accessing UEFI/BIOS settings, disabling certain features, and performing a system restore. Additionally, it covers creating a Windows OS installation media USB using another computer if necessary and discusses the benefits of having a dual-boot system with Mac OS or Ubuntu OS for added functionality and security.


Blue Screen of Death, Windows computer, Graphical User Interface, Troubleshooting, Unified Extensible Firmware Interface, System Restore, Advanced Start-up Options, Bill Gates, Boot from USB, Hotkey, Dual-boot system, Mac OS, Ubuntu OS, Windows OS installation media, BalenaEtcher software, Cybersecurity, IT department communication.


🎥 fairBluescreenToLogin_short_video.mp4 https://media-large.fairwissenschaft.co.uk/videos/fairBluescreenToLogin_short_video.mp4

Transcripts (txt format)

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Subtitles (txt format)

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The Blue Screen of Death, also known as BSOD, is a well-known error screen that appears on Windows computers when there is a critical system crash. This error can leave users unable to access their operating system. In this article, we will explore a non-technical method to resolve the BSOD issue using the Graphical User Interface (GUI). The GUI has played a significant role in the history of computing, as it has made computer usage more accessible to people beyond IT specialists, in line with Bill Gates’s vision.

The Blue Screen of Death (BSOD) is a critical error screen that appears when Windows encounters a severe issue from which it cannot recover. The most common causes of BSOD include:
-Hardware Issues: Faulty or failing hardware components such as memory (RAM), hard drives (HDD/SSD), motherboards, processors, or power supply units can trigger a BSOD. Overheating due to defective fans or dust accumulation can also cause hardware to malfunction, leading to a crash.
-Driver Problems: Incorrectly installed, outdated, or corrupted drivers are a frequent cause of BSODs. This includes drivers for graphics cards, network adapters, and other hardware components. Driver conflicts or bugs can disrupt the communication between hardware and the operating system, resulting in a crash.
-Software Issues: Incompatible or buggy software, including newly installed applications or updates, can cause conflicts that lead to a BSOD. Low-level software running in the Windows kernel can be particularly problematic if it has errors or is not compatible with the current system configuration.
-Malware: Viruses, worms, Trojans, and other types of malware can corrupt critical system files and cause instability, leading to a BSOD. Malware that embeds itself deeply into the system can be especially disruptive.
-Overheating: Excessive heat can cause hardware components to fail. Overclocking the CPU or GPU beyond their safe operating limits can also lead to overheating and subsequent system crashes.
-Corrupted System Files: Damage to essential system files, whether from malware, software errors, or hardware issues, can prevent Windows from operating correctly and result in a BSOD.


To address the BSOD, we employ a GUI-based troubleshooting method that involves booting from a USB drive containing the Windows OS software. This process bypasses the need for complex coding or command-line interactions. The steps include:

  1. Accessing the Unified Extensible Firmware Interface (UEFI) settings by using manufacturer-specific hotkeys during startup.
  2. Configuring the UEFI to prioritize booting from the USB drive.
  3. Disabling ‘Fast Boot’ and ‘Secure Boot’ options within the UEFI settings.
  4. Performing a ‘System Restore’ through the Advanced Start-up Options to revert the system to a previous, stable state.

In situations where a Windows OS installation media is not readily available, the article guides users on creating one using a secondary device running Mac OS or Ubuntu OS. Briefly the protocol for creating Windows OS installation media USB, in Mac OS and Ubuntu OS, is as follows:

  1. Using a Secondary Mac OS Device:
  • Log into the working Mac OS computer.
  • Insert an empty USB drive (16GB or larger).
  • Connect to the internet and open a web browser.
  • Download the Windows OS ISO file from the official Microsoft website https://www.microsoft.com, click ‘software download’. BEWARE OF OTHER FAKE WEBSITES.
  • Download the BalenaEtcher software from its authentic sources https://github.com/balena-io/etcher or https://etcher.balena.io. BEWARE OF OTHER FAKE WEBSITES.
  • Use BalenaEtcher to write the Windows OS ISO files onto the USB drive.
  • Once the writing process is complete, power off the computer and remove the USB.
  1. Using a Secondary Ubuntu OS Device:
  • The steps are similar to those for Mac OS:
  • Log into the working Ubuntu OS computer.
  • Insert an empty USB drive.
  • Connect to the internet and open a web browser.
  • Download the Windows OS ISO file from the official Microsoft website https://www.microsoft.com, click ‘software download’. BEWARE OF OTHER FAKE WEBSITES.
  • Download the BalenaEtcher software from its authentic sources https://github.com/balena-io/etcher or https://etcher.balena.io.BEWARE OF OTHER FAKE WEBSITES.
  • Write the Windows OS ISO files onto the USB drive using BalenaEtcher.
  • After completion, shut down the computer and remove the USB.
    The USB drive now serves as the Windows OS installation media and can be used to fix the Blue Screen of Death (BSOD) by following the previously described troubleshooting process.

Setting up Windows Dual Boot on Mac Using BootCamp:

  • Backup Your Data: Before starting, ensure all your important data is backed up.
  • Download Windows ISO: Download the Windows OS ISO file from the official Microsoft website https://www.microsoft.com, click ‘software download’. BEWARE OF OTHER FAKE WEBSITES.
  • Open Boot Camp Assistant: Navigate to Applications > Utilities and launch Boot Camp Assistant on your Mac.
  • Partition Your Drive: Use Boot Camp Assistant to partition your hard drive to create space for Windows.
  • Install Windows: Follow the prompts in Boot Camp Assistant to install Windows from the ISO file.
  • Your Mac will restart and boot into the Windows installer.
  • Proceed with the installation of Windows on the newly created partition.
  • Switching Between macOS and Windows: To switch between operating systems, restart your Mac and hold the Option key to select the OS you want to boot into.
  • Using reFind (Alternative Method): If you prefer not to use Boot Camp, you can use reFind, an open-source boot manager. Download reFind from its official sources (https://sourceforge.net/projects/refind or https://www.rodsbooks.com/refind). BEWARE OF OTHER FAKE WEBSITES.
  • Install reFind to manage the boot process and easily switch between macOS and Windows. This installation fo reFind requires, one line of code on Terminal (commandline of Mac), as ‘sudo ./install.sh’.

Setting up Ubuntu OS Dual Boot on a Windows Computer:

  • Create Ubuntu Installation Media: Download the Ubuntu OS ISO file from the official Ubuntu website. The authentic website for Ubuntu OS is https://ubuntu.com and https://ubuntu.com/download.BEWARE OF OTHER FAKE WEBSITES.
  • Use software like BalenaEtcher to create a bootable USB drive with the Ubuntu ISO. Download the BalenaEtcher software from its authentic sources https://github.com/balena-io/etcher or https://etcher.balena.io. BEWARE OF OTHER FAKE WEBSITES.
    Prepare Windows for Dual Boot:
  • Backup your important files.
  • Disable Fast Startup and Secure Boot in the BIOS/UEFI settings if necessary.
  • Boot From USB: Insert the Ubuntu installation media USB drive.
  • Restart your computer and enter the boot menu to select the USB drive as the boot device.
    Install Ubuntu:
  • Choose the option to install Ubuntu alongside Windows Boot Manager during installation.
  • Allocate space for the Ubuntu partition when prompted.
    -Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the Ubuntu installation.
    -Restart and Choose OS: After installation, restart your computer.
  • You should now see a GRUB menu that allows you to choose between Ubuntu and Windows at startup.
  • Accessing UEFI Firmware Settings: With Ubuntu installed, you can access BIOS or UEFI Firmware Settings directly without the need for manufacturer-specific hotkeys.


Please see Video and Transcript instead.


Following the outlined procedure, users can successfully circumvent the BSOD and regain access to their Windows operating system. The method has been rigorously tested by the author who has found it effective in allowing them to restore their systems to a functional state without external assistance or any coding.

Advantages of Dual Booting:

  • Continuous Functionality: Dual booting provides a backup in case one operating system fails, ensuring continuous functionality.
  • Access to Exclusive Software: It allows access to exclusive software on each operating system, enabling users to leverage the unique capabilities of each platform.
  • Improved Performance: Each operating system can be optimized for specific tasks, resulting in improved performance.
  • Isolation of Issues: Issues with one operating system do not affect the other, providing protection against malware and viruses.
  • Cost-Efficient Access: Access to both operating systems is available without the need to invest in additional hardware.
  • Exploration and Learning: It enables exploration and learning in different computing environments, fostering a deeper understanding of various operating systems.
  • Uniform Access to BIOS or UEFI Settings: With Ubuntu OS, users gain uniform access to BIOS or UEFI settings, providing a consistent configuration environment
  • Enhanced Security: Both operating systems have a low likelihood of being compromised simultaneously, offering enhanced security.

Advantages of Windows Installation Media USB:

  • System Repair and Reinstallation: It can be used to repair or reinstall the operating system in critical system errors, ensuring system stability.
  • Versatile Usage: The USB can be used on multiple computers for recovery and installation, providing flexibility and convenience.
  • Immediate Availability: It can be created and used immediately, avoiding downtime while waiting for physical media delivery.
  • Customization: The USB can be customized with specific drivers or updates, tailoring it to specific system requirements.
  • Cost-Effective Solution: Creating your own installation media is typically free, offering a cost-effective solution for system recovery.
  • Inclusion of Updates and Patches: It includes the most recent updates and patches, ensuring system security and performance.
  • Non-Destructive Repairs: It can perform non-destructive repairs without losing personal data, preserving user files and settings.
  • Compatibility Across Environments: It can be created using another OS, providing a solution regardless of the user’s current environment, ensuring accessibility in diverse computing setups.


The tutorial emphasizes the importance of GUI in making such troubleshooting processes accessible. It also highlights the role of pioneers like Bill Gates in shaping the current landscape of personal computing. Additionally, the discussion includes the benefits of having a dual-boot system with Mac OS or Ubuntu OS, which provides an alternative means of accessing a computer when Windows OS fails.

The Importance of GUI in Troubleshooting Processes: The graphical user interface (GUI) plays a crucial role in making troubleshooting processes accessible to a wide audience. GUI provides a user-friendly interface that makes computers accessible to a broader audience. This emphasis on accessibility is essential for ensuring that individuals with varying levels of technical expertise can navigate and address issues within their computing systems effectively.

Bill Gates’ Role in Shaping Personal Computing: Bill Gates, as a technological pioneer and co-founder of Microsoft Corporation, has significantly shaped the landscape of personal computing. His entrepreneurial vision and negotiation skills played a pivotal role in fulfilling the need for a working OS, particularly in the context of IBM’s requirements. Gates’ foresight and strategic decisions were instrumental in transforming personal computing and making it accessible to a broader audience through the iconic Windows platform. This transformation laid the foundation for Microsoft’s dominance in the software industry.

Dual-Boot System with Mac OS or Ubuntu OS: In addition to the discussion on GUI and Bill Gates’ influence, the benefits of having a dual-boot system with Mac OS or Ubuntu OS were highlighted. A dual-boot system provides an alternative means of accessing a computer when the primary operating system, such as Windows OS, encounters issues. This setup offers users the flexibility to switch to an alternative operating system, ensuring continued access to their computing resources even in the event of a failure with the primary OS.
Overall, the combination of a user-friendly GUI, the influence of pioneers like Bill Gates, and the flexibility of a dual-boot system contributes to a more accessible and resilient computing environment for users.

The dual operating system scenario, whether its Ubuntu OS or Mac OS alongside Windows OS, ensures constant functionality. Just as a cricket team has two batsmen on the field with one or the other batting, while the other waits on the other side of the pitch for turn to do batting, with dual boot of two operating systems on your computer, you choose which operating system turns on or does batting at startup, while the other operating system stays shut down until you choose it to turn on or do batting at startup. Example for Dual boot Windows OS and Ubuntu OS, you can choose to turn on either one at startup and thats the one that will turn on or do batting. ‘Never say never’, but its extremely rare, that cybersecurity and functionality of Ubuntu OS or Mac OS and Windows OS, all fail simultaneously — using cricket analogy this would be like two batsmen getting out in the same ball in cricket, in any one ball only a maximum of one batsman gets out or else they stay on batting. So its highly recommended for functionality and security to dual boot Windows OS with Mac OS or Ubuntu OS.


This guide offers a straightforward solution for resolving the distressing Blue Screen of Death problem on Windows PCs. By following the GUI-based method, users can restore their system back to a working condition without delving into complex technical procedures.

Future Direction

Looking ahead, the adoption of dual-boot systems could serve as a strategic approach to ensuring uninterrupted computer functionality. As cybersecurity threats evolve, having multiple operating systems could provide a fail-safe against potential vulnerabilities. Further exploration into user-friendly tools and methods for managing and repairing operating systems will continue to be invaluable for both personal and professional computing environments.

Glossary Of Terms

Blue Screen of Death (BSOD): A common error screen displayed on a Windows computer after a system crash. It indicates a significant problem, often related to hardware or drivers, which prevents the computer from operating normally.
Windows computer: A personal computer that runs on Microsoft Windows operating system, which is one of the most widely used operating systems in the world.
Graphical User Interface (GUI): A visual way of interacting with a computer using items like windows, icons, and menus, instead of text-based commands. It’s designed to be user-friendly and accessible to people without programming knowledge.
Troubleshooting: The process of diagnosing and resolving problems in a malfunctioning computer system. Troubleshooting often involves following a set of steps to determine the cause of the issue and then applying a solution.
Unified Extensible Firmware Interface (UEFI): A modern replacement for the older Basic Input/Output System (BIOS) firmware interface. UEFI manages the booting process of the computer and provides an interface between the operating system and the firmware.
System Restore: A feature in Windows that allows you to revert your computer’s state (including system files, installed applications, Windows Registry, and system settings) to that of a previous point in time, which can help fix problems caused by recent changes.
Advanced Start-up Options: A menu of diagnostic tools in Windows that helps users troubleshoot and recover from critical errors that prevent normal booting.
Bill Gates: Co-founder of Microsoft Corporation, who played a significant role in developing the GUI for personal computers, making them more accessible to the general public.
Boot from USB: The process of starting up a computer using an operating system located on a USB drive. This is often used for installing the operating system or for troubleshooting when the main hard drive fails to boot.
Hotkey: A key or combination of keys providing quick access to a particular function within a computer program or system. In the context of BIOS/UEFI, a specific key pressed during startup to enter the setup menu.
Dual-boot system: A configuration where two different operating systems are installed on the same computer, allowing the user to choose which one to boot into at startup.
Mac OS: An operating system developed by Apple Inc. for Macintosh computers, known for its distinct graphical user interface.
Ubuntu OS: A popular Linux distribution that is free and open-source. It’s user-friendly and often recommended for those new to Linux.
Windows OS installation media: A USB drive or DVD that contains the Windows operating system installer, used to install or repair Windows on a computer.
BalenaEtcher software: A tool used to create bootable USB drives by flashing an image file onto a USB stick or SD card. It’s commonly used to write operating system images for installation.
Cybersecurity: The practice of protecting computers, servers, mobile devices, electronic systems, networks, and data from malicious attacks.
IT department communication: Refers to informing your organization’s Information Technology department about any issues or changes made to your computer system, ensuring they are aware and can provide assistance or monitor for further problems.


Copyright © 2023 onwards fairwissenschaft and Shradha Mukherjee. All rights reserved.
Each piece of the visuals, text and audio content within this compilation is crafted by its respective author(s), and proper citations have been credited to original sources.
To maintain authenticity, external visuals and audio were sourced only if they were openly available and free for commercial use, or after necessary purchase of licenses for commercial use. Same applies for video, audio, text and image editing software.
Artificial intelligence (AI) generated visuals are clearly marked as such.
The voice-over in this presentation has been transformed from the original author’s voices to those of AI technology, ensuring a consistent and modern touch.
To get constructive feedback, three randomly selected AI Large Language Models (LLMs) were employed as a review system for the content generated by author(s), and the author(s) accommodated the suggestions, when and where possible. Thus the AI LLM as a review system, was used much like the academic practice of seeking peer review before publication of research manuscripts.
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  • Jobs, Gates on Their Contributions to Technology | The Wall Street Journal | Youtube https://youtu.be/C8r5QDbw3-Y or Invidious https://invidious.privacyredirect.com/watch?v=C8r5QDbw3-Y
  • Root Begins Series with Century! | Highlights – England v Australia Day 1 | 2023 | England & Wales Cricket Board | Youtube https://youtu.be/0kOV0vBsaoE
  • Ashes-cricket | Britannica https://www.britannica.com/sports/Ashes-cricket
  • Ashes Fever 2005 – The Greatest Ashes Series of all time | Cricket England | YouTube https://youtu.be/Sf7yopl1opg or Invidious https://invidious.reallyaweso.me/watch?v=Sf7yopl1opg
  • The hitchhiker’s guide to the galaxy by Douglas Adams https://search.worldcat.org/title/847899811
  • The Hitch Hiker’s Guide to the Galaxy TV Series BBC 1981 https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0081874/
  • The Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy Series read by Stephen Moore on BBC Radio 4
  • Link1: https://www.bbc.co.uk/radio4/hitchhikers/stephen.shtml
  • Link2: https://archive.org/details/the-hitch-hikers-guide-to-the-galaxy-read-by-stephen-moore_202302

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