
Title: Computer Setup

Author: Shradha Mukherjee

Location: Planet Earth

Nicknames: Shredder, a supervillain for villains and Goldy, a superhero for heroes.

Copyright © 2023 onwards fairwissenschaft and Shradha Mukherjee. All rights reserved.

Abstract: A computer setup tutorial for setting up your device to use Mac OS, Windows OS and/or Linux OS Canonical’s Ubuntu OS. Different methodologies for using Linux OS Canonical’s Ubuntu OS will be demonstrated. Specifically, here ‘setup’ protocol will be described for full reset to factory settings (how the computer was when it was newly shipped), NOT system restore or reset from Mac’s Timemachine, Windows’s System Restore and Ubuntu OS’s Timestamp. Thus, we do backup of these files and folders before setup of the computer, as during setup all user files get erased from the computer. Before doing any computer setup (factory setting state), the first thing to do is to backup the existing files and folders on the computer. These folders are usually documents, desktop, pictures, music, videos, downloads and files are usually .mp4, .mp3, .txt, .pdf, .png and .jpeg files. The computer use itself, is covered in a separate post called ‘Computer Basic Use’

Class 1: Backup Files On Your Mac

Goal (What?): In this class you will learn how to backup files and folders on your Mac laptop/computer to an external usb drive.

Reason (Why?): In case your Mac stops working due to technical problems or cyberattack, you will have a copy on the external drive of your files and folders (documents, images, music, videos and any other files you have on your Mac, but NOT apps/software). This is interoperable, that is you can open and access the files on this external USB drive in any computer.

Summary (Pictures):

Requirements: Mac laptop power cord with USB port; One empty external USB drive.
Section 1.2: Copy your folders and files from Mac to external USB drive prepared in Section 1.1.
Next Class: Encryption (password protect) files and folders on drive (internal Mac drive; external USB drive) and Cloud (online drives)
Section 1.1: Use ‘Disk Utility’ to prepare empty external USB drive. The external USB gets erased and formatted to ‘exFat’ and scheme ‘GUID’.
Accomplishments: You learnt ‘Disk Utility’ and you backed up your files and folders present on Mac computer. This external USB drive can be connected to any computer to access the copies files and folders.

Video (Full Video With Subtitles):

Video: 🎥 class_1_backup_files_on_your_mac_04-10-24.mp4

Class 2: Backup Files Encryption On Your Mac

Status: Coming Soon!

Flyer of next class (image): Next Class will be about Encryption (password protect) files and folders on drive (internal Mac drive; external USB drive) and Cloud (online drives)

Class 3: Reset Your Mac

Status: Coming Soon!

Class 4: Backup Files On Your Windows

Status: Coming Soon!

Class 5: Backup Files Encryption On Your Windows

Status: Coming Soon!

Class 6: Reset Your Windows

Status: Coming Soon!

Class 7: Backup Files On Your Ubuntu

Status: Coming Soon!

Class 8: Backup Files Encryption On Your Ubuntu

Status: Coming Soon!

Class 9: Reset Your Ubuntu

Status: Coming Soon!


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