Title: The Javascript Journey A MEAN Full-Stack Demonstration Author: Shradha Mukherjee Location: Planet Earth Nicknames: Shredder, a supervillain for villains and Goldy, a superhero for heroes. Copyright © 2023 onwards fairwissenschaft and Shradha Mukherjee. All rights reserved. Building Web Apps With Javascript The MEAN Way: A Demonstration. The video is a trailer of a tutorial […]

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Title: FAIR science Project’s fair RNA-seq Author: Shradha Mukherjee Location: Planet Earth Nicknames: Shredder, a supervillain for villains and Goldy, a superhero for heroes. Copyright © 2023 onwards fairwissenschaft and Shradha Mukherjee. All rights reserved. Goal (What?): To develop reproducible integrated bioinformatics pipeline for RNA-seq. Significance (Why?): For FAIR RNAseq and fair RNAseq. FAIR is […]

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